23-Year-Old African American Female With Shortness of Breath and Cough for 3 to 4 Months




ALLERGIES: Flowers caused nasal stuffiness and watery eyes.

MEDICINES: Albuterol inhaler. Denied use of over-the-counter medicines.

FAMILY HISTORY: Asthma in 1 son; her father had COPD.

SOCIAL HISTORY: The patient smoked 5 to 8 cigarettes per day. She denied alcohol or recreational drug use. The patient denied any history of blood transfusions and she was involved in a monogamous relationship.

OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY: She had worked at "odd jobs," mainly in department stores.

MENSTRUAL HISTORY: G1P1, pregnancy was uncomplicated. Menses are normal.


GENERAL: Weight loss, not due to anorexia.

HEENT: Denied visual problems.

LUNGS: Positive for cough and shortness of breath.

HEART: No palpitations or chest pain.

GI: No abdominal pain, diarrhea, or constipation.

GU: No menorrhagia.

MUSCULOSKELETAL: Mild large joint arthralgias without myalgias.

NEUROLOGICAL: No headaches or weakness.

SKIN: No rashes.


GENERAL: Comfortable appearing female.

VITAL SIGNS: BP: 133/90 mm Hg; HR: 100 bpm regular; Temp: 99.3° F; RR: 18 bpm; pO2: 98 mm HG RA; WEIGHT: 125 lbs.

HEENT: Normal without scleral icterus or conjunctival pallor.

NECK: No jugular venous distension, thyroid gland diffusely enlarged but without bruit.

CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: PMI was in 5th IC space, mid-clavicular line, S1 S2 RRR, without S3 or S4, murmurs, rubs, heave, or thrills.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: Equal expansion bilaterally. Diaphragm excursion was normal. Good air entry bilaterally. Normal vesicular breath sounds without any adventitious sounds.

BREAST EXAM: Normal, without any masses or cysts.

EXTREMITIES: No edema or distended veins. Good peripheral pulses. No nail clubbing was noted.

ABDOMEN: Bowel sounds were normoactive. No tenderness or masses. Liver span was 11 cm; no splenomegaly was noted.

LYMPHATIC SYSTEM: No lymphadenopathy detected.

MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM: Mildly limited range of motion of the knee joints bilaterally due to pain; absence of joint swelling, erythema, bony tenderness, or masses.

NEUROLOGICAL: The patient was alert and oriented. Cranial nerves were intact and sensory exam was normal. Motor exam was normal and no cerebellar signs were present.

SKIN: No rashes or eruptions were seen.


  • Hg: 11.6
  • WBC: 7.3 (Neutrophils: 5.5, Lymphocytes: 1.4, Basophils 0.1)
  • Platelets: 409
  • MCV: 85
  • Na+: 142
  • K+: 4.1
  • CO2 content: 24
  • Cl-: 109
  • BUN/Cr: 12/0.8
  • TSH: 2.44
  • AST: 23
  • ALT: 23
  • Alkaline Phos.: 102
  • Ca+: 9.2
  • Glucose: 83
  • PTT and PT: Normal
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